Opportunities Newscast with Potential Business for You

Hi Reader: This is your Opportunities Newscast. We share 3 or 4 opportunities each edition to engage with us as a collaborator. If you see an opportunity that interests you or believe you have something we should know about, contact mary@marykurek.com.

Cybersecurity Partner

We are looking for:

A platform provider for performing cybersecurity tasks. (Global but US preferred)

Pallets for Manufacturers

We are looking for:

Companies in need of buying, selling, refurbishing, and/or disposing (recycling) pallets. Food and beverage companies would be ideal. (Global)

Homeopathic Remedies for Humans and Pets

We are looking for:

Wellness Centers interested in expanding into natural medicine spaces. Groups of wellness coaches interested in training in the homeopathic space. Medical tourism spots, retreats, and spas open to nature-based healing. Veterinarians open to the "natural wellness" space as options for clients. Ideal opportunity for new facilities. (Global)


We are looking for:

Contacts interested in buying or selling commodities.

Produce, jet fuel, oil, wheat.

Serious inquiries only.

Visit us at www.frontrunnersdevelopment.com for services, projects, and more opportunities.