Opportunities Newscast with Potential Business for You

Hi Reader: Welcome to the Opportunities Newscast. This is your opportunity to help connect business to change the world. If you see an opportunity that interests you, contact mary@marykurek.com.

You could become a partner. Let's do this!

Land Grant Universities

We are looking for:

Leadership contacts in the area of soil nourisment or amendment at Land Grant Universities. Could also be climate and/or carbon experts within these universities.

Aging in Place

We are looking for:

Companies with tech or products and services aimed at the aging population that would help them age in place. Think about problem solvers in mobility, connectedness, health and health access, disaster, safety/security, and memory care.


We are looking for:

Contacts interested in buying or selling commodities.

Produce, Grain, Jet Fuel, Oil.

Refinery connections would be interesting for us.

Serious inquiries only.

Waste to Energy

We are looking for:

Contacts in energy ministries or government leaders around the world (especially island nations) or even CEOs looking for solutions to landfill overload, ocean contamination, industries like automobile salvage or electronics dump stations that are causing concern. Emergency management leaders and and companies that do waste removal from diasters would be of interest.

Special: Disruptive Medical Devices Search

We are looking for:

Start-ups in medical device innovation beyond the "friends and family stage" but still looking for investment to get to market.

Funding Chat

Click the button below to book a call. (Projects can be global but must have a business plan or pitch deck but do not send it in advance.)

Visit us at www.frontrunnersdevelopment.com for services, projects, our podcast interviews, and more.